This is loosely based on (which is fine but does not work as given). We do this while ssh'ed into the device. If you later want to use this system from the terminal-app see below about the ssh into localhost. Install the chrooted system as:
I don't know why the addr must be, but it's used as this in the host system of the BQ; in any case, this should make network happy and we can test it with:
# ping
and go to install, best while connected via Wifi:
# apt-get update
# apt-get install mutt
# apt-get install libsasl2-modules # mutt needs this
# apt-get install telnet
# apt-get install vim
# apt-get install tcpdump
# apt-get install traceroute
# apt-get install lynx
# apt-get install qtbase5-dev # compile qt5, g++ ... stuff
# apt-get install g++
# apt-get install ubuntu-device-flash # to get the image list
# su phablet
$ cd
$ pwd
/home/phablet # which is in real ~/myRoot/home/phablet
$ mkdir tmp # needed by vim
$ mkdir Mail # needed by mutt
I copied some files from my netbook into the chrooted system, files needed by mutt:
configure .muttrc for SMTP and IMAP, i.e. the essential changes are
set record=+outboxBQ # save copies of outgoing messages in +outboxBQ
# disable sendmail
# set sendmail="/usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -oem -f -t"
# configure IMAP and SMTP as:
set smtp_url="smtp://"
set smtp_pass="YYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"
Now we can run mutt as:
$ mutt -f imap://
Note: The terminal-app is limited in its permisions to access the file system. We need to use "ssh localhost" to get full rights into the session (see above chapter 12).
Start the terminal-app and do:
$ ssh localhost
$ cd myRoot
$ sudo chroot .
# su phablet
$ cd
$ mutt -f imap://