GPS, maps && apps (uNav)

Some hints about maps / GPS apps


Unresolved; foxtrotGPS is not ported, and the existings apps are somewhat crappy;


The app OSMTouch stores (uses?) the data from this dir (example file):


The default location is hardcoded at

but this seems for another version; in r22 I have found them here and changed the default values for the location I'm in: Havana, Taufkirchen

# ls -l /userdata/system-data/opt/*
-rw-r--r-- 1 clickpkg clickpkg 12415 jun 13 12:09 MapPage.qml
-rw-r--r-- 1 clickpkg clickpkg 12416 jun 13 12:05 MapPage.qml.Havana
-rw-r--r-- 1 clickpkg clickpkg 12408 dic  7  2014 MapPage.qml.orig
-rw-r--r-- 1 clickpkg clickpkg 12415 jun 13 12:09 MapPage.qml.Taufkirchen

Offline maps:

I have in my FreeBSD netbook ~120.000 tiles of the locations Munich and Havana to make use of the maps even without Internet. I fetch them from time to time for the OpenStreetMap servers. Here are some technical notes about:

The OSM wiki at explains the name structure of the tiles and the different styles. The names are like this 'zoom/x/y.png' and tiles gets delivered in different styles:

       ^----- [abc]

            ^----- [1234]
            ^----- [1234] 

OpenCycleMap Transport (experimental):
       ^----- [abc]

OSMTouch is normaly using 'MapQuest' style, I'm used to use 'Standard' style.


The best OSM app IMHO is at the moment uNav. Since version 0.60 it supports even so called offline (prefetched) tiles. Due to the space limitation I store them on the microSD and use an internal webserver which let uNav access them there. The details are here:

# purpose of this script:
# as of 0.60 uNav, written by Costales  
# can be configured to use tiles in offline mode directly from the device from
# files in /home/phablet/.local/share/navigator.costales/maps/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
# the URL for this access is coded in
# /userdata/system-data/opt/
# due to space limitations, my tiles are on the SD below /media/phablet/*/Maps which
# is not directly accessible by the app;
# For uNav version 0.63 I've modified the following two files:
# phablet@ubuntu-phablet-bq:/opt/$ diff nav/index.htm*
# 246c246
# <                 source: new ol.source.OSM({url: 'http://localhost:8888/osm/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'}),
# ---
# >                 source: new ol.source.OSM({url: '/home/phablet/.local/share/navigator.costales/maps/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'}),
# phablet@ubuntu-phablet-bq:/opt/$ diff nav/class/UI.j*
# 775,776c775
# <     // dont change the zoom level (
# <     // this.map_zoom(gps_data['speed'], route_indicator['dist2turn'], route_indicator['dist_track_done'], route_indicator['radar']);
# ---
# >     this.map_zoom(gps_data['speed'], route_indicator['dist2turn'], route_indicator['dist_track_done'], route_indicator['radar']);
# (end of mods)
# and use an own app.desktop file in ~phablet/.local/share/applications/unav-osm.desktop
# which launches this script:
# [Desktop Entry]
# Name=unav-osm
# Type=Application
# Exec=/usr/bin/nohup /home/phablet/
# Icon=/userdata/system-data/opt/
# Terminal=false
# X-Ubuntu-Touch=true
# co, 2016

# 1st start the local HTTP server:
cd /media/phablet/*/Maps
python3 -m http.server 8888 &

# now start uNav
cd /userdata/system-data/opt/
qmlscene %u qml/Main.qml

For more information about offline maps in uNav see also:

GPS in general:

Things one can do to check the state of GPS:

Make sure all switches for the GPS are on: 1. system settings -> security and privacy -> location access 2. system settings -> battery -> GPS 3. pull down top bar -> location -> location detection and GPS.

Check for GPS in the messages:

$ sudo dmesg | grep GPS
[142058.709985] [GPS] GPS_close: WMT turn off GPS OK!
[142059.154167] GPS_open: major 191 minor 0 (pid 21501)
[142059.154506] [WMT-CTRL][I]wmt_ctrl_gps_sync_set:ctrl GPS_SYNC(4)
[142059.154526] [WMT-FUNC][I]wmt_func_gps_pre_ctrl:ctrl GPS_SYNC_SET(0)
[142059.155455] [WMT-FUNC][I]wmt_func_gps_pre_ctrl:set reg for GPS_SYNC
function okay by chip ic_pin_ctrl
[142059.155492] [WMT-CTRL][I]wmt_ctrl_gps_lna_set:ctrl GPS_LNA(2)
[142059.158530] [GPS] GPS_open: WMT turn on GPS OK!

so you know the state of the GPS.

to list the space vehicles:

$ ubuntu-location-serviced-cli --bus system --get --property visible_space_vehicles
Visible space vehicles:
        (type: gps, prn: 1, snr: 0, has_almanac_data: 0,
        has_ephimeris_data: 0, used_in_fix: 0, azimuth: 3 deg,
        elevation: 23 deg)

Satellites with a snr > 0 are visible;

to run a test:

$ sudo GLOG_v=1000 GLOG_logtostderr=1 ubuntu-location-serviced-cli --bus system --test

The test will try to acquire a fix from GPS only 3 times from cold start, and print out diagnostics together with a summary containing the mean/ of time to first fix.

to activate more / better logging: the logs are in this dir: /var/log/ubuntu-location-service/

they would help in tracking down any potential issues; alter the config file:


and add the following two lines before the exec line:

export GLOG_v=100
export GLOG_logtostderr=1

and reboot the phone. After having tried to acquire a position, the same log files as mentioned before contain very verbose information about the GPS operation.

Using the dbus-monitor:

$ dbus-monitor --system "path=/com/ubuntu/espoo/Service/Provider, interface=com.ubuntu.remote.Service.Provider, member=PositionChanged"

But you need to switch on system settings -> security and privacy -> location access -> ..anonymized wifi... i believe

Last updated: Mon Feb 5 12:13:38 CET 2018

Last updated

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