Some hints for your Linux/FreeBSD netbook using the BQ with USB tethering as a router to Internet

Disable Wifi in the phone and in the netbook (if the Wifi there is not routed to Internet);


  1. Enable USB network with the phone;

  2. Adjust default route and DNS (/etc/resolv.conf) in the netbook to the IP of the phone;

  3. Restart sendmail in the netbook; and all is fine

I crafted a script /usr/local/etc/devd/ for this:

# change routing (...) to the Ubuntu phone BQ Aqaris E4.5
ifconfig ue0 || {
    printf "interface ue0 not found -- exit.\n"
    exit 1

ifconfig wlan0 down
route delete default

killall dhclient
rm -f /etc/resolv.conf
dhclient ue0
# route add default

test -f /etc/resolv.conf || {
    cat < /etc/resolv.conf 
# Generated by ~guru/

/etc/rc.d/sendmail stop
sleep 3
/etc/rc.d/sendmail start

This script is executed on the fly (i.e. on plug-in of the USB with tethering enabled) by a FreeBSD devd(8) hook in /usr/local/etc/devd/bq.conf:

# When the interface ue0 comes up we do in a script:
# 1) start of dhclient for interface ue0
# 2) default route to interface ue0
# 3) restart of sendmail
# , June 2015
notify 1 {
    match "system"        "IFNET";
    match "subsystem"    "ue0";
    match "type"        "ATTACH";
    action "/usr/local/etc/devd/ $subsystem $type";

Last updated: Sat Oct 17 13:09:43 CEST 2015

Last updated

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